With Work In Progress a few months away from celebrating its first birthday, I believe it to be only right that we return to the core of its existence. Standing on the mantra of wanting to serve as a vessel that helps project the worth in journeying, W.I.P finds the truth in the term “progression over perfection” to be the wind to its sail. The only way we believe this to be concrete is because we’ve been tried and tested and through it all, we’ve found ourselves covered and empowered by this principle.
The complexity that comes with our existence is beyond what we can fully fathom. We embody strengths and weaknesses all at once and somehow it all works out, but, if we are to be honest, there are times when our rough edges start to scar the gems in us. That serves as a call for us to smoothen these coarse parts and it is certainly no walk in the park. Gentleness and patience become instrumental as you tread into unfamiliar territory, a move that may scare the whiskers off you. However, consciously taking inventory of all that makes you a jewel will help remind you that you already have what it takes to become more.

Having gone through that hill start, your road becomes level. You develop consistency in the habits that are key in getting you where you want to be. This is until you hit that pothole that leaves you frazzled. Such is a time when the enemy considers it opportune to whisper every other interpretation of your hiccup in the book. You begin to question if you were ever really making progress in the first place. The impact of it all is exaggerated as you are made to think that you may have possibly damaged your “suspension,” while your steering wheel starts to appear skew. Blinded by such extreme possibilities, more often than not, you start to view yourself as way too “damaged” or off the rails to keep on with journey. Throwing in the towel becomes more appealing and even starts to sound quite sensible as it offers you the guarantee of not facing any setback or humiliation, after all, you will be stagnant. It seems to provide some sort of “safety.” Well, it’s a LIE, one embedded in our intentions when we start the journey.

Our objective should never be consumed in becoming the “GOAT” in our areas of frailty but rather leaned towards gradual development. The apostle Paul says it best in Philippians 3 vs 12-13 TPT, “I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfil and wants me to discover. 13 I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this;[a] however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. 14 I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus.
This carries weight coming from a man who had gone through the most in his journey and yet still stood his ground in “pressing on.”
He would have had every right to question the authenticity of his calling and whether or not he had been truly forgiven by God. If he had been set free indeed (from the chains of his heart-wrenching past) and called to greater, then why was he still facing persecution for his work as a new creation. Why did he still have a thorn in his flesh?
Well, he had an answer for that too in 2 Corinthians 12 vs 7 TPT, “The extraordinary level of the revelations I’ve received is no reason for anyone to exalt me. For this is why a thorn in my flesh was given to me, the Adversary’s messenger sent to harass me,keeping me from becoming arrogant.
When the sail becomes smooth, we tend to become too familiar with the space and start to assume that we have it all figured out. Conceit kicks in and we start to castigate those finding it harder to navigate the waves. Not only do I believe that this is far from the Lord’s intention for our finesse, but it is also hindering as we begin to shun anything that may speak to us sharpening our iron. We become KIA’s (Know It All’s).

Caught in-between not wanting to pitch a tent in the forest of your flaws but also not wanting to become pompous in the course of your progression, you may find yourself in quite the dilemma. Take heart, whatever withdrawal you feel is being made from you is only proof of the deposit that God made within you.
2 Corinthians 12 vs 8-9

So, from Pretty Conscience’s heart to yours:
1. Dare to step out of “I’m not that bad,” and operate in “I’m getting better than I was.”
2. The presence of “potholes” is no measure on whether or not you qualify to be on the road, your response is. You may have to slow down and drive around it or you may find yourself accidentally hitting one and having to do some damage control. Whatever the case may be, just don’t go park your car.
3. You are given grace and strength for every season
It may be frustrating but its just proof that you are still in the game.
Much love and blessings your way.
Metaphorical meanings:
Suspension: The base of your existence
Steering wheel: Your will