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Plucked from your comfort zone, a place that despite being thorny, you have used its lemons to make lemonade, you’ve now found yourself being crushed. Apparently, this crushing is all in the name of drawing out all that is stored within and letting it live in its highest calling. The pressing drains all that is within you, to a point that gets you second guessing the strength you possess. Yet once again, you make it.

For the first time in a series of seasons in your life, you now actually get to be still and enjoy your present. The fear of the unknown still creeps in but your optimism is blooming. You have become acquainted with that which surrounds the new atmosphere you exist in, warming up to the idea of the victory that is said to succeed your growing pains.

Once again, with change being the only consistent process in your life, you find yourself detached from that which you had become attached to. Placed in unfamiliar territory, clarification takes place. All that seemed good or great is filtered away to make room for what is best for you.

Hope has you thinking that you are ready to show the world the fruits of all that has been happening behind the scenes, while the blueprint suggests otherwise and has you thrown into the depth of the cold stainless-steel tanks so as to mature your progress.

Your beauty is not only visible, it is now captivating.

The enrichment you will provide is undeniable, one can almost feel it in their bones.

However, design has you shelved so as to have the roots of the character you have developed run deeper.

Now that’s a hard pill to swallow when your motivation in pruning that which shapes you has been to prove to the world the endurance and excellence that you possess. Throughout the process, developing par excellence in an area of weakness has been the straw you have clutched to and now all of a sudden, fate has you neatly sited in a corner with no one to prove yourself to.

You could do well as grape juice but wine lasts longer, and for you to become wine, you are going to have to be comfortable with the darkness that may come with the latency of aging/maturing well.

You are going to have to come to peace with seeing the grapes that developed after you make it to the table first.

You are going to have to embrace solitude and not mistake it for loneliness.

You are going to have to hold on to the vision and not compromise it by getting off the shelf before time.

You are going to have to trust and remember that your hiddenness is not rejection but rather transformation.

We often find it hard to continue existing behind the scenes when we feel like we are now fully fledged and ready to operate in visibility. Our need to be known and seen is justified but the longevity that comes after the launch should be of more concern to us. Remaining unseen even after we have put in the work does not lower our value or our chances to do great and mighty things. It builds a more solid understanding of our worth and grooms us to be trailblazers.

So, to the soul that feels “hidden,” do not worry, you are becoming of much value.

I have spoken on the consciousness of one’s worth needed while you are seemingly bottled, but, Mrs Bianca Juarez Olthoff encompasses it all in her teaching New Wine, It’s A Process ( which I believe is like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and refreshing to the bones. Therefore, please allow yourself to get drenched in this healing word.

Much love and blessings your way

Pretty Conscience

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